
Integrative counselling

Integrative counselling is a combination of non-traditional techniques that bring about freedom from unwanted thoughts, feelings and unconscious programming.

Your mind and body are intrinsically linked both in physiology and biochemistry, together they form your experience within the world around you. As a result of this close link, they have the ability to profoundly impact each other, with your mental state impacting your physical health and vice versa.  

Your mind is not necessarily the brain itself but instead can be described as your mental state; the culmination of emotions, thoughts, beliefs and programs from past experiences.  Your mind itself is divided into the conscious and subconscious, where the conscious is associated with that which you are aware of and your subconscious that which you are unaware of.  

In a situation your emotional reaction can cause a physical response such as fear or anxiety causing the release of stress hormones. This reaction is associated with your subconscious mind, hence you may not even be aware of why you’re having this response, however it is as a result of an idea programmed into your subconscious as a result of a past experience.                         

The beliefs and ideas that you have formed from your past are the foundation for your mind and body wellbeing, so altering any of these negative stories or programs has a profound impact on your overall quality of being.  

In terms of your physical health diet, exercise and quality/amount of sleep are a few of the ways in which how you treat your body impacts your mental and emotional health. When these aspects of your life are in balance and your mind is working in harmony with your body it is possible to achieve incredible vitality and boundless energy.  

During our sessions together I will utilise a variety of techniques tailored specifically to you in order to address any limiting beliefs or behaviours you may have and to alter any lifestyle habits that may be holding you back. These include hypnotheraphy, neuro-linguistic programming and emotional release techniques.

Together we can work towards achieving a level of wellness that you may not even know to be possible and to promote success and happiness within your life.  

If you’re interested understanding more about how integrative counselling can support your physical and mental health, please contact me for a free introductory chat.