
Womens’ health

Your health is the biggest gift you can give to yourself, and your loved ones. Each stage of a womans life has its physical and emotional challenges, its ups and downs, but with the professional prescription of herbs, nutritional medicine and mind body counselling you can create the life you desire.

I could summarize that 90% of womens health issues are due to hormonal and glandular imbalances. Do any of the following sound familiar?

  • Hormonal Imbalances:  Can manifest in a variety of symptoms. Low energy, feelings of low mood such as Depression and Anxiety, sleep deficiency such as: difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep, PMS and painful periods, acne, digestive disturbances such as IBS, Thyroid Gland issues such as Hashimoto’s and Graves disease, Osteoporosis, unusual weight gain or weight loss, loss of muscle mass, increase in food cravings, and reduced libido. Herbal and nutritional support can help to restore your hormones and reestablish your health while addressing the underlying causes of these hormonal and glandular imbalances.

  • Pregnancy and birth support:  Natural Fertility support allows a couple the opportunity to pass on their best to their future children. The health of the mother and father is a major determinant of the health of the child and impacts on not only the birthing process but  the health of the child for life, as well as affecting childhood and neurological development. It increase the best possible outcomes for parents and to create a healthy, vibrant and happy child.

  • Perimenopause: Supporting a woman’s health through the final stages of menstruation lays the foundation for a smoother and healthier passage into menopause. Due to the hormonal changes that occur during this stage many women at this time experience: fatigue, heavy and irregular periods, Thyroid health conditions such as Hashimotos and Graves Disease, Depression, Anxiety, mood swings and a lowered ability to cope with life stresses. Herbal and nutritional support can assist in easing these symptoms of perimenopause so women can reclaim their energy, vitality and zest for life.   

  • Menopause:  Many women make the transition through Menopause experiencing many symptoms without realizing the natural medicines and therapies available to bring relief of symptoms naturally without any short or long term side effects It is essential for Women entering menopause need to maximize their health in every way possible.  

Some of the symptoms of menopause include: 

  • The end of the menstrual cycle 

  • Hot flushes 

  • Anxiety 

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Thinning of hair and skin 

  • Changes in libido, usually a reduction or complete loss of  

  • Osteoporosis 

  •  Weight gain 

  • Constipation 

  • Anaemia 

  • Back and joint pain 

  • Fluid retention 

  • Insomnia  

Herbal and nutritional interventions during both perimenopause and menopause can provide relief and even eliminate these challenging symptoms that can arise during this time of a woman’s life.  

If you’re interested in understanding more about how I can help balance your hormones, please contact me for a free introductory chat.